Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Blogging my thoughts on make up, nail polish, hair, life, etc...

This is what I'll be doing :)

Honey For Hair

I've been on LHCF for about 6 months now, and I must say that one of the most interesting yet effective tips is adding HONEY to my deep conditioners. I did this a few times with my moisturizing DCs and the results were amazing! Super super super soft hair...easy detangling...great slip. I'm impressed. It is definately one of my staples from now on. I added a few tablespoons of it to about a cup of condish. Yes, I'm heavy handed!

When I DC...
-I t-shirt dry my hair for about 5 min
-separate my hair down the middle and section each little pieces
-apply DC like a relaxer only going all the way to the ends
-secure hair, apply plastic cap
-Relax for a few hours
-Rinse and feel the softness :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

My Regimen

Copied from my fotki:

Things I am in LOVE with now...

-Hair One (olive oil formula)
-Half wigs
-Jibere shower comb
-Cantu Shea Butter products
-My hair diary/calendar

My WASH regimen
-Prepoo (oil, conditioners or both for anywhere from 30 min to overnight)
-Wash (2 lathers)
-Dry (t-shirt dry for 5 min)
-Deep Condition (Maybe add oils and honey; leave on for one hour to overnight)
-Dry (t-shirt dry for 5 min)
-Apply liquid water based leave in
-Moisturize/seal and place hair in a damp bun
-Scarf method to air dry and smooth edges

My COWASH Regimen
-Co wash with Hair One or any other conditioner
-T-shirt dry for 5 min
-Apply liquid water based leave in
-Moisturize/seal and place hair in a damp bun
-Scarf method to air dry and smooth edges

My Daily Moisturizing Regimen
-Divide hair into 4 sections
-Apply water based moisturizer from spray bottle (carefree curl gold, braid spray, wave nouveau and water, or s-curl and water)
-Apply creamy moisturizer/cream leave in (whatever I'm feeling at the moment; I have so many!)
-Seal with oil
-Baggy bun and wrap with scarf or put on half wig, full wig, or ponytail